Get more of the right clients by sending ethical cold pitches right to their inbox with Cold Pitch Masterclass
Get a proven step-by-step framework to send ethical cold pitches to your wishlist clients — without sounding sleazy, feeling annoying or coming off desperate — that will have prospects responding enthusiastically to get on your books.
Your business was supposed to give you $20K months and time off when you felt like it…
But now you’re working harder than you ever have before on projects that don’t excite you, for clients you don’t love, and for fees that you really wish were bigger.
And that’s when it’s going well.
Because as a business owner you are well aware that:
No clients = no business and no money. But still bills, whaddayaknow...
You need a reliable system to generate leads (aaaand that’s always on the to-do list)
Consistent action is what makes a difference...but it’s so hard to see what’s actually moving the needle
Getting clients is hard, but getting clients you LOVE is like Mission Impossible (only accessible to the elite of the elite at the top of their game)
Referrals are great! Except when they dry up, and you’re left staring at big, yawning gaps in your calendar
And let’s not forget that familiar, chest-tightening anxiety when you realize you’ve been so ‘distracted’ with client work that you forgot to make sure more clients were coming in. Because, you and I both know ‘trusting that something will turn up’ isn’t a business strategy.
And while cold pitching seems like it *could* be the key to a pipeline full of ideal clients…
The thought of actually doing it is exhausting. And makes you seize up just a little.
Because you could spend hours on research - but that doesn’t guarantee you’ll hear anything back
Personalized pitches might get you a better response rate - but that feels like an entire job and not the scalable or sustainable lead generation system you need
If you get through the onslaught of second-guessing (how do I figure out what my ideal client needs? Do I pitch one project? Multiple projects? What’s the right way to do this?..) - the thought of them actually responding, asking for more detail and THEN rejecting you has you curled in the fetal position
You’ve been the unwilling recipient of SO MANY horrible pitch emails and *errrgh* telemarketers - and there’s no way you’re going to be one of those skeezy, sleazy spammers
And worst of all, even though you want to come across as an expert collaborator - you’re sure they’ll see you as a sad, desperate freelancer that’s begging for work (cue Oliver Twist)
But there’s something you should know...
You don’t need to sell yourself.
You just need to solve a problem
You can take proactive control of your pipeline and your business.
You can cold pitch your ideal clients.
You can get an enthusiastic response from them.
And you can do it without sounding sleazy, feeling annoying or coming off desperate
Ethical cold pitches solve a problem and start a conversation. They take the pressure off you and provide way more value for your prospect.
Really! Here are some actual replies to ethical cold pitches I’ve sent:
When you have a system to identify which problems your ideal client is experiencing and how best to offer a solution, suddenly your business starts to look a lot different...
You’re in control of your income and schedule
You don’t have to play the client ‘waiting game’ (*jeopardy theme song plays*)
You can finally kick feast or famine to the curb
You can work with ideal clients that are well outside of your network (see ya, kiddie table)
You can feel confident knowing you have a reliable lead generation process
You can plan ahead without feeling antsy or embarrassed because you’re not working
You have the freedom to earn what you want, get that new car, or take time off as you need it
...whether you’re a seasoned creative or brand-spankin’ newbie.
How could I possibly know this? Well, let me introduce myself…
Hey, I’m Bree
And on April 1st, 2020 I had ZERO clients. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
Worst April Fool’s joke ever, COVID.
But things weren’t really amazing even before then…
I spent 2019 struggling for $2k months and hating that feast or famine life. I didn’t love the clients I was working with or get super jazzed about the projects I was on. And damn, I needed money.
I was just trying so hard to earn my stripes, pay my dues and become worthy of those big name clients and big ticket projects.
Which meant my New Year’s Resolution for 2020 was to make $5k every month with clients I desperately wanted to work with on projects that I was actually excited about.
Ya know… the whole reason I went freelance to begin with.
Of course COVID had other plans for all of us. And my clients started dropping like flies. Within just a few weeks of the pandemic’s arrival in the US, I had lost all my clients.
I figured out how to get off the feast or famine hamster wheel — but only after I lost all my clients.
I had no savings and no fall back. It felt like I was starting from scratch. Again.
So, I used my COVID stimulus check to pay my rent and I tried something new…
In 30 days, I tripled my revenue. In the middle of a pandemic. After losing all my clients.
All that revenue came from ethical cold pitching.
I was a little worried it was a fluke, until I started…
Hitting consistent $10k months
Booking out 3-6 months in advance (then I finally had to build a waitlist)
Working with brands who had been on my client wishlist since day one
Feeling like I could get clients anytime I had a gap in my project calendar
And ethical cold pitching has been the driving force in this transformation.
I take pride in my 100% open rate and 100% response rate. Plus, 60% of my cold pitches turn into paid projects.
And since I’ve started sharing my proven framework with creative freelancers and service providers, they’re seeing 75% response rates and 50% conversion rates, too.
Now, it’s your turn.
Cold Pitch Masterclass is designed to give you everything you need to get started with ethical cold pitching.
Joel Klettke, Case Study Buddy
“Bree sent me the single best cold pitch I've ever received. Period. It was clear from the moment I started going through the email that her approach was not typical. It was magnetic. It was tailored. It was virtually impossible not to respond to. I added it to my own swipe file; that's how strong it was.”
Kirsty Fanton, Launch Copywriter
“Bree Weber is the BEST! And knows an absolute shite-load about how to nail a cold pitch. I normally HATE getting cold pitches, but hers was so thoughtfully crafted I didn't feel the usual prickles go up. She’s the best person to teach this stuff.”
Samar Owais, Ecommerce Email Copywriter
“Until Bree emailed her pitch, I hadn’t even thought that far ahead, so I was thankful that she thought of me. Her offer was too good to pass up! I love that she took the initiative to reach out to me and offer value. I’ve since bragged about her pitch to a BUNCH of people — and hired her again.”
Belinda Weaver, Copywrite Matters
“When I got Bree’s pitch, I felt very understood. She picked up on the specific challenges that I was living. I knew I needed help, but I hadn't actually articulated that to myself and I also didn't think I had time to map out what I needed in order to find someone. So, it was a tremendous relief to get her email. It was that feeling of like a ‘Yes, that is exactly what I want!’ I had this instant sense of confidence that it was worth at least having the next conversation, because the payoff was going to be worth it.”
Want a pipeline full of wishlist clients who can’t wait to work with you?
Cold Pitch Masterclass
A bundle of video lessons, editable workbooks, and examples that will show you exactly how to craft and send ethical cold pitches that get enthusiastic results like:
Okay, sold. Let’s do this. When can you start?
This is what you get the minute you join Cold Pitch Masterclass
6 value-packed video modules that break down:
Exactly how I tripled my income in 6 months and developed the Ethical Cold Pitch Framework (hello 6-figure freelancer club!)
The core differences between Traditional vs Ethical cold pitching (including the real reason why no one likes a traditional pitch)
The power of ethical cold pitching to take control of your prospect pipeline (aka why ethical cold pitching is 400X more effective)
The mindset shifts you need to make before you start crafting your cold pitch (so you can beat that inner critic at its own game)
Who you can start pitching today — even if you don’t have a portfolio, tons of experience, or fancy results (spoiler: the list is bigger than you think!)
What you can pitch to start conversion conversations about profitable paid projects (because hint: leaving the onus on your recipient to figure it out is a fast track to the delete button)
What you need to include in every pitch - and what you should leave out (so you can build a cold pitching system that is fast and effective)
How to craft your pitches, so your prospect can’t help but keep reading — and reply! (and you can start landing those wishlist clients on sparkly projects that make you dance in your kitchen)
Each captioned module is bite-sized, easily digestible and hones in on a specific part of the process. So you can start pitching your dream clients faster than you can say “Great! I’ll send through the invoice now”.
And, with lifetime access, you can revisit the masterclass anytime you need a refresher or to refill your pipeline.
You’ll come away with a reliable lead generation system you can use to consistently book up your calendar with wish list clients.
You’ll have a new understanding of what cold pitching can really do for your business as well as your clients.
And a whole lotta mindset shifts to boost your confidence and actually feel good about sending pitches - yep, really!
Which means in just a few days, you could be seeing results like these
But what’s a masterclass without a workbook...and a couple other incredibly useful bonuses, too?
A system needs to be easy to implement for it to be sustainable.
That’s why I’ve added:
Cold Pitch Masterclass Workbook - $27
This downloadable, editable workbook will help you transform your knowledge into action. This lil’ one-stop-shop for your notes, thoughts and ethical cold pitch musings is designed to get you implementing faster and easier. Because knowledge is cool, but results are golden.
The Pitch Tracker + Research Organizer - $67
No one has time to waste on client acquisition, especially if it means you’re losing an opportunity to make money. The Pitch Tracker + Research Organizer will help you keep everything organized, streamline your prospecting and, most importantly, speed up the whole cold pitching process from start to send.
3 x Cold Pitch Teardowns *Ice Cold* - $497
See exactly how an ethical cold pitch looks in the wild. These teardowns of my own pitches will give you expert insights on how to apply all the golden knowledge nuggets you picked up in the masterclass and help you action your learning. Or you can just swipe them to craft your own pitches. You do you.
Starting to feel like it’s about damn time you took control of your pipeline and earning potential?
Get Cold Pitch Masterclass
A step-by-step framework to pitch and *win* your dream clients
The inspiration and mindset shifts are waiting for you
If you’ve ever looked at your calendar and thought “I wish I could just ramp up my business whenever I want and stop waiting for clients” this is for YOU
For some reason, we service-providers seem to think we’re not allowed to approach our would-be customers directly. Even when they’re in obvious need.
No other industry accepts that as viable. So why should you?
You’re ready to...
Stop accepting less-than-ideal clients and fill your calendar - and waitlist! - with dream clients
Replace the old ‘Referrals Roller Coaster’ business strategy with something more proactive and immediate
Incorporate a streamlined and repeatable framework to fast-track your business growth
Break into a new market or start working with ‘industry famous’ clients *casually checks nails*
Use those damn skills you’ve got, even if it might feel a little scary (pipe down, Imposter Syndrome, the grown-ups are talking)
Start hitting those consistent $5k, $10k and $20k months that are calling your name
Go after those big, bold, house-buying, Kilimanjaro-climbing life goals
So let’s make it official, shall we?
Cold Pitch Masterclass is a fast-action system to transform your business
“I received two more responses to cold pitches! Bree – I loved your class. I am already reworking some of what I do! You've done such a great job with all of this. I love that your personality seems so NOT sales-y and yet you are amazing at it. Your entire approach is so well thought out and intentional. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with so many of us.”
Melany Tenore, Copywriter Consultant
This is your chance to take control of your business growth once and for all
But I’m willing to bet at least one of these sounds familiar...
I need this but I’m currently enrolled in 7,568 other courses. How can I possibly fit this in as well?
You must be a freelancer! We’re ALL enrolled in 7,568 courses (did I see you in the Copy Accelerator slack group...or was it DCA?). And, yeah, time gets tight with all that learning and so. many. communities.
I feel you. That’s why the Cold Pitch Masterclass is 3.5 hours long in total. Plus, each module is a Snickers fun-size of immediately actionable, business building know-how. *tiny size, big impact*
You can easily absorb all that delicious info in one sitting, or take strategic nibbles as your business needs it. But, if you’re like 70% of my other students, you’ll gobble it up and knock out your first killer pitch within a week.
How is this different from what I already know? Also, there’s Google...
Ah, Google..*stares wistfully into the middle distance*. Knower of all, keeper of gifs, and birthplace of every Frankenstein’s Monster of a proposal, about page and cold pitch. Jokes aside, there’s a metric ton of resources out there on cold pitching. Some of it’s better than others, but you could definitely work something out for yourself.
That’s exactly what I did. And after about a year of trial and error, I figured out how to make it work.
Which is why what I can offer you is quick access to a tried and tested process that’s been developed with feedback from SEVERAL of the world’s top copywriters.
This is the exact process I used to keep my waitlist bulging with clients I almost can’t believe I got to work with. The same process that garnered eager responses from ‘industry famous’ clients to me, little ol’ ‘zero clients Bree’. The process that works over and over again for my students. The same process that makes established copywriters say:
So, yes, you *could* figure it out yourself… but do you really want to?
Since you’re here reading these words I’m guessing the answer is ‘ugh no’. Cold Pitch Masterclass is all about skipping the trial and error, and getting right to the tried and true.
This seems like a good thing to have in a pinch, but I currently have clients
Yay! There’s no better feeling than when your business is running smoothly, you’ve got clients, and they love your work (‘cause you’re awesome). I was feeling that too when I was getting a steady stream of referrals, had some retainers going, and a few more clients in the pipeline...and then it all disappeared within a few weeks. Once again, thanks Covid.
Look, a pandemic is probably a once-in-a-lifetime event. But even in the ‘before times’ it was a constant stress to keep new clients coming in regularly enough to pay the bills. To plan your life. To have some free time now and then. There are recessions and market disruptions and industry collapses and natural disasters.
And now networking is a whole new world. It’s harder than ever to make enough connections to sustain a business. But, we both know, it has never been a good idea to place the very thing that makes your business a business - clients - in someone else’s hands.
Yes, referrals are awesome. What’s awesome-er (and puts more money in the bank with more predictable regularity) is having a reliable lead generation strategy that you are 100% in control of.
Bree, I don’t know if I can do this
Confidence is such a flighty friend, isn’t it? Especially if you haven’t yet had a win or two to fill your sails.
I can’t tell you how to feel. Or that you won’t feel vulnerable.
But I know you can be confident in the process. I know you can get the results you’re looking for. And I know that, when you get your sea legs (and you will), the confidence will follow. You’ve completely and utterly got this.
Now we’re all feeling a bit more settled…
Are you ready to finally own your business?
The Cold Pitch Masterclass has already transformed a whole lotta businesses just like yours
now, it’s your turn 😉
Get Cold Pitch Masterclass
A step-by-step framework to pitch and *win* your dream clients
Psst! You there 👋
There’s something I want to say before you go…
You’ve got that gut-feeling that this is the thing you need to take control of your business and start landing clients. (the good kind)
But it feels risky, too.
There’s that the persistent, niggling worry that this will just end up in your course graveyard, another promise gone unfulfilled and you’ll be stuck looking for yet another resource that will genuinely help you start landing those dream clients so you can finally see some ROI on all the investment you’ve made in your business.
So, let’s get right down to the nitty gritty:
How much can really change from a niche 3+ hour masterclass?
A whole heck of a lot, actually!
With an ethical cold pitching framework sitting pretty in your grab bag of lead generation tools, you can…
Take control of your pipeline and bring on clients you LOVE working with
Pitch confidently, knowing who to pitch, what to pitch and how to pitch
Call on a reliable process to fill spaces in your calendar whenever you need to (sans panic attack)
Join the echelons of booked-out-with-a-waitlist creatives you’ve been stalking on Instagram
Pivot your business at the drop of a hat or hint of a recession
Start working with the who’s who of your industry and get known in all the *right circles* (if that’s your thing, of course)
If you’re ready to stop trying to land clients - any clients - with a coy-yet-attractive client acquisition fan dance
and start running your business like a business...
you’re in the right place.
And I can’t wait to see you inside!
Get Cold Pitch Masterclass
A step-by-step framework to pitch and *win* your dream clients
This masterclass is “pure gold”
Exactly why I think you’ll love it 😉
Ready to take control of when you work, who you work with and how much you earn?
Get Cold Pitch Masterclass
A step-by-step framework to pitch and *win* your dream clients
These freelancers are gushing about the masterclass
You could be one of them 😉
⭐️ Who is this for?
This masterclass is designed for creative freelancers and service-based business owners who want to book more 1:1 client work. It’s probably not a good fit if you’re selling a physical product.
⭐️ Are there any prerequisites?
Nope. That’s what’s really awesome about it! You don't need fancy clients to name drop, impressive stats to throw down, or even portfolio work to link. You don't even need a niche. If you have an email, you can send ethical cold pitches.
⭐️ Do you offer refunds?
No. Because of the nature of digital products, all sales are final. If you have any more questions about whether Cold Pitch Masterclass is right for you, please reach out to me before you hit that ‘buy’ button.
⭐️ How do I access the masterclass?
As soon as you’ve made your purchase, you’ll get an email with login details to Podia, where everything will be waiting for you. You’ll have lifetime access to everything inside, which means you’ll be able to move at your own pace and refer back to all the resources whenever you need.
⭐️ Will this work for selling physical or digital products?
Probably not. While some of the principles may apply to cold pitching products, the framework you’ll learn inside the masterclass is specifically designed for sending one hyper targeted and well researched cold pitch to one prospect to pitch a service.
⭐️ What if I don’t like it?
Please reach out to me before you buy. There are no refunds, so it’s better that we put our heads together to see if this is a good fit for you before you hit that purchase button.
⭐️ Will I get any templates?
No. And you’re probably here because internet templates haven’t worked for you. My ethical cold pitch framework is predicated on sending highly targeted, personalized cold emails. So, instead of generic, ineffective templates, I'll share the step-by-step framework to crafting your own customized ethical cold pitches along with several examples, so you can see how it looks in action.
⭐️ Will this work for me?
Cold pitching has helped me grow my copywriting business from $2k/mo to $10k/mo. My students have also shared how they, too, are getting same-day responses, booking discovery calls, and landing 4-figure and 5-figure projects from this method. But nobody is getting results who isn’t putting in the work.
⭐️ How long will it take me to work through everything inside?
If you're super serious about smashing through it, you could work through the masterclass and have your first cold pitch drafted in a weekend.
That’s pretty intense, though. The good news is you have lifetime access to everything inside, so you can complete it in at your own pace.
⭐️ Can I use this for LinkedIn?
Probably not. While some of the principles may apply to cold pitching on other platforms, the framework you’ll learn inside the masterclass is designed specifically for cold pitching via email.
⭐️ Can I use this for pitching in DMs?
Probably not. While some of the principles may apply to cold pitching on other platforms, the framework you’ll learn inside the masterclass is designed specifically for cold pitching via email.